Free our last 6 dolphins in Belgium.

Harderwijck Dolfinarium

A dolphin is born in Harderwijk

On July 6th 2013,  a dolphin was born in Harderwijk Dolfinarium, Netherlands.
His father’s name is unknown. His mother, nicknamed Maaike, was « acquired » in 1985 at the holding pen of Gulfport, Texas, USA.
It means that she has been captured by Mobi Solangi in the Gulf of Mexico, as  many other dolphins of Boudewijn Seapark Bruges or elswhere in Europe.

mobi-solangi-rescueMobi Solangi’s « rescued » dolphin promised to circus

Maaike’s estimated age is 30 years.
She is a good “breeding cow” : she already gave birth to Yola, Nalu and Luna and she’s the grandmother of Makai, the Nalu’s daughter.  So little Makai is a third generation captive dolphin, whose father is unknown too. Everything suggests that Hardewijck Dolfinarium actively practices artificial insemination, with the help of SeaWorld.

Harderwijck lagon IIHarderwijk dolphin farm

Frozen semen exchanges are very discreet, as opposed to deportations of living individuals, much more difficult to hide. Let’s remind there is NO European official register of captive dolphins opened to the public, similar to the American MMIR.

This birth proves once again that most of captive born dolphins are born from a « founder » (mother or father),  directly captured in the ocean. Children born from 2 captive-born dolphins are much more rare, or totally absent as in Bruges dolphinarium.

Roxanne_OceanOcean at Bruges. His (now dead) father was Tex
and his mother, Roxanne, both captured

This raises the problem of restocking.
When captured individuals will die or become too old for breeding, how will European Captivity Industry provide itself with new circus animals ? By following the example of Georgia Aquarium, which sponsored belugas captures by Russian specialists ?


Harderwijk Dolfinarium, 27 avril 2013

Demonstration against captivity of Cetaceans in Europe : a call from Ric O’Barry !

No dolphinaria in Europe: 13 videos in 22 languages

A call from Ric O’Barry

« Dear Dolphin Defenders,

The Times are Changing!

Finally, as people all over the world are learning the truth they are turning their backs on captive dolphin shows. 
Together we stand stronger to oppose the multinational entertainment captive dolphin theme-park industry.

morgan-12-02Morgan at Loro Parque, with Adan

Our goal is to give the dolphins a voice and help abolish the concept of « dolphinariums’ in the European Union.
Won’t you join us ?

On the 28th of June we will all meet up in Brussels and demand a dolphin free Europe.

I ask you to please join us in the largest demonstration against dolphinariums in Europe.
Go to our Facebook page ‘Demonstration against captivity of Cetaceans’ and let us know you will join us in Brussels, Belgium.


Sign and share our Avaaz petition and ask friends to join you.

Check out about transportation to Brussels, buses will and can be arranged from several cities in Europe, just ask!

I hope to see you on Friday, June 28 in Brussels.

Come on folks, we can do this!

~ ric

Richard O’Barry
Campaign Director Dolphin
Project Earth Island Institute

Thanks, Ric !


Boudewijn Seapark Bruges



Sluit alle dolphinaria in Europa ! Demonstratie in Brussel op 28 juni 2013

 13 videos in 22 languages by Annelies !

Wanneer ?
Onze vreedzame en familiale demonstratie vindt plaats in Brussel, hart van de Europese Unie, tussen 15 en 18 uur. We vragen het sluiten van dolphinaria en het stopzetten van het misbruik van dolfijnen als slaafse clowns in heel Europa.

BSPdolphin_world_until_death3_mai2012 Boudewijn Seapark Brugge

Waar ?
Omdat er die dag een Europese top plaatsvindt, zal de demonstratie plaatsvinden aan het  Victor Horta Plein te Brussel  (St Gilles) naast het Zuid (Midi) Station en de gebouwen van de FOD Volksgezondheid. Deze federale dienst staat volgens de Belgische wet in voor de normen in  Zoos en Dolphinaria (Europees Besluit 1999/22/CE ). Het is dus daar dat men de normen opstelt om de zes dolfijnen in Boudewijn Seapark Brugge te houden.



Wij willen geen normen. Wij willen de sluiting van het dolphinarium in Brugge en alle andere dolphinaria : van Loro Parque in Ténérif tot Kölmarden in Zweden, passerend langs  Marineland d’Antibes, Parc Astérix en Dolfinarium van  Harderwijck.

Het Europees Besluit 1999/22/CE gebiedt aan de Europese Lidstaten om ervoor te zorgen dat de levensomstandigheden van dieren in gevangenschap zoveel mogelijk die van in het wild levende dieren nabootsen.  Dit is onmogelijk voor dolfijnen en walvissen.

GEEN enkel bassin, geen enkele laguna, hoe groot ook kan de oceaan vervangen. De vrijheid en vooral de intense sociale interacties die dolfijnen onderhouden met tientallen soortgenoten in het wild zijn onrealiseerbaar in dolphinaria.

Morgan at Loro Parque, with Adan

Daarom vragen wij aan de Europese Unie om het besluit strikt toe te passen in de verschillende lidstaten.

Wij vragen aan de Europese Unie om alle instellingen die dolfijnen, orca’s of belugas in gevangenschap houden te beschouwen als niet voldaan aan de wettelijke normen en dus illegaal te verklaren.

Daarom vragen wij dat de bestaande dolphinaria progressief gesloten worden.
We vragen dat AL hun gevangenen, al dan niet geboren in gevangenschap ondergebracht worden in mariene opvangcentra. De dolfijnen die nog niet volledig gebroken zijn door hun jarenlange misbruik in gevangenschap kunnen van daar voorbereid worden op hun vrijlating.


Hoe ?
De gemeente St Gilles heeft toelating verschaft tot deze vreedzame en familiale demonstratie. Veiligheidsmaatregelen worden voorzien. We gaan nog verschillende acties voorstellen ivm de demonstratie waarvan U de volgende maanden op de hoogte zal gehouden worden. Voor meer informatie of suggesties kan U ons contacteren via deze  pagina.  De demonstratie krijgt de volledige steun van  M. Ric O’Barry.

Help mee om door deze demonstratie het lot van de zeeclowns in Europa defintief te laten veranderen. Vanwege de orca’s, dolfijnen en beluga’s in slavernij dank om met ons mee te doen !

ric-o-barry_chainlinkfencecutRic zal in Brussel aanwezig zijn op 28 juni!

A call from Ric O’Barry :

« Dear Dolphin Defenders, The Times are Changing!
Finally, as people all over the world are learning the truth they are turning their backs on captive dolphin shows. Together we stand stronger to oppose the multinational entertainment captive dolphin theme-park industry. Our goal is to give the dolphins a voice and help abolish the concept of « dolphinariums’ in the European Union.

Won’t you join us ? On the 28th of June we will all meet up in Brussels and demand a dolphin free Europe.
I ask you to please join us in the largest demonstration against dolphinariums in Europe. Go to our Facebook page ‘Demonstration against captivity of Cetaceans’ and let us know you will join us in Brussels, Belgium.

Sign and share our Avaaz petition and ask friends to join you. Check out about transportation to Brussels, buses will and can be arranged from several cities in Europe, just ask! I hope to see you on Friday, June 28 in Brussels. Come on folks, we can do this! ~ ric Richard O’Barry Campaign Director Dolphin Project Earth Island Institute


Other languages

Boudewijn Seapark Brugge

Netherlands Orca

This International Demo is inspired by WDC’s Campaign : Make the European Union a dolphinarium-free zone !

« Keeping dolphins in captivity violates EC Directive 1999/22, relating to the keeping of wild animals in zoos that is supposed to protect these animals. * It is supposed to encourage conservation, yet dolphin survival rates are lower in captivity than in the wild * It is supposed to promote education about animals, yet little information is given at dolphin shows in the EU about their lives in the wild * It is supposed to prevent cruelty to animals and look after their welfare, yet stress and disturbing behaviour is common amongst dolphins displayed in dolphinaria within the 15 Member States of the EU who are failing to implement EU legislation properly.  We have no right to keep whales and dolphins in captivity. We want to make the European Union a dolphinarium-free zone !  »

For a Delphinarium-free Europe!!!


Let’s close all the delphinariums in Europe !
Come along and demonstrate with us against captivity on June 28th, in Brussels !

14 videos in 23 languages !

PlaneteSauvage3Europe must ban dolphinaria

When ?
On June 28th, at 15.00 let’s all meet in Brussels s and protest peacefully against the captivity of cetaceans and demand the complete ban of dolphin shows in the EU.

BSPdolphin_world_until_death3_mai2012Boudewijn Seapark must be the first to be closed !

Where ?
A European summit is taking place on the same day. So the demonstration will take place on Place Victor Horta in St Gilles (Brussels) right beside the train station « la gare du midi » and the Health, Food , Chain Safety and Environment offices.  It is worth mentioning  that, through Belgian law, it is this federal public service that is responsible of applying the European  Council Directive 1999/22/EC relating to the the keeping of wild animals in zoos and dolphinariums. It is also the same public service that takes decisions about the conditions of  detention of our six belgian dolphins held captive in the Boudewijn Seapark in Bruges.


We do not want better jail conditions for cetaceans. We want freedom for them! We demand the shutting down of the Bruges delphinarium and all other delphinarium in Europe such as Loro Parque in TenerifKolmarden in Sweden, the Marineland of Antibes and the Park Astérix in France or the Hardewijck dolphinarium in the Netherlands.

morgan-12-02Morgan with Adan at Loro parque

The European Council Directive 1999/22/EC on the keeping of wild animals in zoos requires that  animals must be  kept in conditions that meet their biological and conservation requirements
. Yet in the case of cetaceans, it is impossible for these requirements to be met in captivity. Because no tanks, no lagoons as big as they can be, could ever replace the freedom of swimming in the immensity of the ocean.


We urge the EU to strictly apply what is stated in the Council Directive through its national law.
We ask the EU to ban the captivity of cetaceans (dolphins, belugas, orcas, porpoises).
We demand the shutting down of all dolphinarium  in the EU and that dolphins, born free or captive, integrate marine sanctuaries or, when possible, that dolphins join rehabilitation programs.

Bottlenose Dolphin


The pacific demonstation is welcomed by St Gilles municipality. Within the next two months, we will fill you with information about the activities that will be organised  and the  decisions that will be taken for the demonstration. Feel free to contact us on the following Facebook page to find out more or to offer your help in organising a demonstration that is supported by Ric O’Barry.
Ric will present in Brussels on June 28th !

Ric OBarry Photo Gallery 1

Let us hope that this demonstration will constitute a profound change in European policies relating to the captivity industry!

By joining us, you can make a difference! In the name of the voiceless cetaceans we thank you for coming along and make a difference !



A call from Ric O’Barry :

« Dear Dolphin Defenders,

The Times are Changing!

Finally, as people all over the world are learning the truth they are turning their backs on captive dolphin shows.
Together we stand stronger to oppose the multinational entertainment captive dolphin theme-park industry.
Our goal is to give the dolphins a voice and help abolish the concept of « dolphinariums’ in the European Union. Won’t you join us ?
On the 28th of June we will all meet up in Brussels and demand a dolphin free Europe.
I ask you to please join us in the largest demonstration against dolphinariums in Europe.
Go to our Facebook page ‘Demonstration against captivity of Cetaceans’ and let us know you will join us in Brussels, Belgium.

Sign and share our Avaaz petition and ask friends to join you.

Check out about transportation to Brussels, buses will and can be arranged from several cities in Europe, just ask!

I hope to see you on Friday, June 28 in Brussels.

Come on folks, we can do this!

~ ric

Richard O’Barry
Campaign Director
Dolphin Project
Earth Island Institute

RicOBarryHolidayBank_640Thanks, Ric !

June 28 Brussels Demo




This International Demo is directly inspired by WDC’s Campaign :
Make the European Union a dolphinarium-free zone !

« Keeping dolphins in captivity violates EC Directive 1999/22, relating to the keeping of wild animals in zoos that is supposed to protect these animals.
* It is supposed to encourage conservation, yet dolphin survival rates are lower in captivity than in the wild.
* It is supposed to promote education about animals, yet little information is given at dolphin shows in the EU about their lives in the wild.
* It is supposed to prevent cruelty to animals and look after their welfare, yet stress and disturbing behaviour is common amongst dolphins displayed in 34 dolphinaria within the 15 Member States of the EU who are failing to implement EU legislation properly. 

We have no right to keep whales and dolphins in captivity.

We want to make the European Union a dolphinarium-free zone !  »


Fermons tous les delphinariums d’Europe ! Manifestation à Bruxelles le 28 juin 2013

 13 vidéos en 22 langues !


Quand ?
Une manifestation pacifique et familiale se tiendra à Bruxelles, coeur de l’Europe, entre 15h00 et 18h00 afin de réclamer l’interdiction totale d’enfermer et d’exhiber en spectacle des cétacés réduits en esclavage dans l’ensemble du territoire de l’Union Européenne.


Où ?
Compte tenu du fait qu’un sommet européen se tient le même jour à Bruxelles, la manifestation aura lieu place Victor Horta à Bruxelles (St Gilles) à côté de la Gare du Midi et des bâtiments du SPF Santé Publique. Ce service fédéral applique en effet, au travers de la loi belge, la Directive européenne 1999/22/CE relative aux zoos et delphinariums.
C’est également là que s’élaborent les normes relatives à la détention des six dauphins du Boudewijn Seapark de Bruges.


Pourquoi ?
Nous ne voulons pas de ces normes. Nous voulons la fermeture du delphinarium de Bruges et de tous les établissements du même type, depuis Loro Parque à Ténériffe jusqu’à Kölmarden en Suède, en passant par le Marineland d’Antibes, le Parc Astérix ou et le Dolfinarium de  Harderwijck.

La Directive 1999/22/CE du Conseil de l’Europe impose aux Etats membres d’assurer aux animaux captifs des conditions de vie aussi proches que possible de celles qu’ils connaissent en milieu naturel. Or, la chose est impossible pour les cétacés. RIEN, aucun bassin, aucun lagon, aussi vastes qu’ils soient, ne peut remplacer l’océan, la liberté, ni les relations sociales intenses qui unissent plusieurs dizaines d’individus à des dizaines d’autres autour d’eux.
C’est pourquoi nous réclamons que l’Union européenne applique de la manière la plus stricte l’esprit de la Directive au travers de ses lois locales.
C’est pourquoi nous lui demandons de considérer comme illégale toute détention de cétacés, dauphins, orques, ou bélougas.
C’est pourquoi nous exigeons que les delphinariums existants soient progressivement fermés et que leurs détenus, nés libres ou captifs, soient amenés dans des sanctuaires marins, avec une possibilité de réhabilitation pur es dauphins dont la captivité n’a pas totalement détruit les capacités à survivre en mer.

Bottlenose Dolphin

Comment ?
Cette manifestation, aimablement autorisée par la Commune de St Gilles, se veut pacifique et familiale. Un service d’ordre sera assuré et diverses actions décidées, dont nous vous tiendrons au courant au fil des deux mois qui nous en sépare. D’ores et déjà, vous pouvez nous contacter sur cette page pour en savoir plus ou proposer vos services en contactant les organisateurs de cet évènement, soutenu avec vigueur par M. Ric O’Barry.


Puisse cette manifestation marquer un tournant décisif dans la politique européenne à l’égard du marché des cétacés clowns ! Pour les orques, les dauphins et les bélugas réduits en esclavage, merci à tous de nous rejoindre !

Morgan at Loro Parque, with Adan

Un appel de Ric O’Barry :

« Dear Dolphin Defenders,

The Times are Changing!
Finally, as people all over the world are learning the truth they are turning their backs on captive dolphin shows. Together we stand stronger to oppose the multinational entertainment captive dolphin theme-park industry. Our goal is to give the dolphins a voice and help abolish the concept of « dolphinariums’ in the European Union.

Won’t you join us ?On the 28th of June we will all meet up in Brussels and demand a dolphin free Europe.
I ask you to please join us in the largest demonstration against dolphinariums in Europe. Go to our Facebook page ‘Demonstration against captivity of Cetaceans’ and let us know you will join us in Brussels, Belgium.

Sign and share our Avaaz petition and ask friends to join you.

Check out about transportation to Brussels, buses will and can be arranged from several cities in Europe, just ask!

I hope to see you on Friday, June 28 in Brussels.

Come on folks, we can do this!

~ ric

Richard O’Barry
Campaign Director
Dolphin Project
Earth Island Institute

RicOBarryHolidayBank_640Thanks, Ric !



June 28th Brussels Demo :


Cette manifestation est directement inspirée et soutenue par la Campagne de la WDC 

Article Sudpresse
29 mai 20013